How often have you wanted to do something but let fear get in the way? The time has come to be fearless! Take the risk! Get out of your comfort zone! Cheers to Living a Fearless Life.
1. If there is something you are passionate about, follow that passion!
![living a fearless life](
I understand that in the military world it is often hard to find jobs for military spouses that they are passionate about. Employers can look at your resume and assume you’re a bit flighty because you haven’t stayed in a job more than three years or they wonder why you pick up and move so often. Instead of looking at the next PCS as yet another change of job why not start to follow your heart into a new career!
Just look at Vista Bartholomew. She started her company after struggling to find a worthwhile career at her newest duty station. Now she has a wonderful company doing work she loves and it’s all because she took a risk and followed her heart. And she doesn’t have to walk away from a job she loves every time her husband comes home with new orders.
2. The worse thing someone can tell you is no….but they can’t say yes if you don’t ask!
![living a fearless life](
When I was on deployment, there was a ship newspaper published daily. One article discussed the Marine squadron that was deployed with us and the MCMAP course they were teaching. Now, I am the most girlie girl you will probably meet on an aircraft carrier. I’m not exactly the martial arts type. But for some reason this course seemed like a good idea to me. So I took my behind up to this scary looking Marine and asked if Sailors were allowed to enroll and if he has room for 2 in any upcoming courses. While he was a little surprised he said that my friend and I were welcome to participate next time an opening rolled around.
The first night of the course we were told to partner up with someone about our size. That we needed to put our partner over our shoulders in a buddy-carry and then do 25 squats. At that moment I was beginning to wonder if maybe I had lost my mind being on the water too long. Not to mention the Marines in the course were less than encouraging when we were struggling to keep up. Almost made me think about throwing in the towel. Boy am I glad I didn’t!
By the middle of deployment I had managed to pass two belt tests and earn the respect of the Marines. On the first night, they were convinced the instructor had lost his mind by allowing these Sailor girls to take the class. I was bruised and cut and sweaty every night after getting my rear handed to me. But I never gave up. I proved that I was tougher than I thought I was and got way outside my normal comfort zone. None of that would have happened if I didn’t have the guts to at least ask and begin living a fearless life!
3. There is a difference between being fearless and reckless!
![living a fearless life](
In the military we are briefed over and over again about ORM, Operational Risk Management. We have to look at a problem and see if the risk that it will take to fix the problem is safe to take. While I am all for pushing yourself beyond what you think you can do, please make sure to factor in the risks. Don’t invest your entire life savings into a risky venture while looking for jobs as a military spouse and leave no safety net. Don’t take on a double black diamond trail the first time you put on a pair of skis. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher on hand when you try to flambé dessert for the first time.
4. Don’t let the fear of failing keep you from even trying!
![living a fearless life](
Teachers and parents try to explain to kids that it’s not if you win or lose it’s how you play the game that matters. Yet somehow this lesson is lost on adults. We become so afraid of not being good enough to not achieve our dreams that we don’t even try. It’s time to stop that! To begin living a fearless life, stop letting the fear of failing keep you from even attempting something you really want to do.
When you put yourself out there and take the risks, you will learn something new no matter what happens. Maybe you learn how to do the task better next time. Maybe you find out that softball is not the sport you should be playing. But maybe, just maybe, you find out that you are darn good at accomplishing goals and you aren’t as afraid to try the next time someone challenges you.
YOU can begin living a fearless life today! Read about this fearless spouse.
For a touching story of the passionate sacrifice of a NAVY Seal, check out Fearless.