
Put On Your Yarmulke, It’s time for Chanukah

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen, but can you recall… Read More

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah How Lovely Are Your Traditions

While the majority of us are breaking out Christmas trees and telling children that their Elf of a Shelf is… Read More

I Still Believe In Santa Claus

There are origin stories, legends, and myths surrounding perhaps one of the world’s most well known symbols-Santa Claus. My inquisitive… Read More

The Best Gifts Don’t Always Come Wrapped Up Under the Tree

As we are ticking off the days until Christmas, our conversations are often tailored around how much holiday shopping we… Read More

An Honest Military Spouse Christmas Poem for You

The holidays started as most of them do, With chaos and frenzy and Murphy’s Law too. ~ Shopping and cooking… Read More

Your 2017 Military Spouse Holiday Gift Guide

Your 2017 Holiday Gift Guide Our Favorite Gifts For Everyone On Your List!  The holidays roll around faster every year.… Read More

Stumped for a Gift? 5 Military and Veteran Charities to Support This Christmas Season

I scanned through my Christmas list, and as usual, came up empty as to what to buy for several of… Read More

5 Clutch Things to Remember When Hosting Single Servicemembers for the Holidays

Being away from family is hard enough, but imagine if you didn't have a place to call home on a… Read More

5 Ways to Help Military Kids Deal With Holiday Stress

By Kelly Blasko, Ph.D. Let’s face it, while the holidays are joyful, they can be stressful. For kids in military… Read More

8 Major Things To Remember When Handling Family During the Holidays

So, Thanksgiving just passed and I almost lost my mind with my family. For some reason, I thought it would… Read More