Recently, my friend started making eating and life changes to lose weight before her husband’s homecoming. I, in a show of solidarity, elected to make similar choices so that she could have a “misery buddy” for those times when things got hard.
Then, today, I was coming home from boxing (Yes, I actually box, people) and I stopped at a convenience store for a beverage. I was on the phone with my newly minted health nut friend, and I asked “Ohhhhh…they have glazed donuts…perfectly round and sweet donuts. Should I get that or the banana?” She laughed and said, “THE BANANA, of course!” Now, I could have just said, “OK” and grabbed the donut anyway. She’d never know. But…I. Would. Know. I grabbed the banana, and it started a chain reaction.
The reaction was so swift I almost couldn’t keep up.
First, I went home and did the laundry. ALL of it! For the first time since…well, since I moved out of my parents’ house, ALL of laundry was done.
Second, I returned every email in my inbox. I responded to every call, every text, every message.
Third, I had lunch at my son’s school.
Fourth, I changed the oil in my truck. Yes, folks, I box AND change the car oil myself. It’s really not all that hard. I can teach you, if you like.
Fifth, I made a meal (one that’s edible) for my kids when my husband was GONE. See? Ya’ll know what a big deal THAT one is, don’t you? J
Sixth, I made up with my friends.
Well, you get the point. The whole day was full of choosing the proverbial banana. Making better choices, choosing the option best FOR you, not necessarily the most attractive, easily accessible or the one you want.
Let’s face it. Donuts are a staple, aren’t they? They are soooo good and tasty and a small bit of Heaven (or Hell) with a hole. And, they leave you feeling empty, wanting more and a bit queasy. And, frankly, they just make you want more donuts.
But, here was the shocking surprise. After a day of filling my soul with banana-choices, I was HAPPY. I was fulfilled. I wasn’t tired, or rushed, or stressed, or upset. I had no loose ends undone for the day, and I still had plenty of time for Facebook updates, socializing and neighborhood watch.
So, when you are faced with the choice—–A Banana, or a Donut. CHOOSE THE BANANA! Your life will thank you for it.