This article originally appeared on Follow @WeAreTheMighty on Twitter
Another week of quarantine, another round of memes. The Tiger King references are slowing down since 99% of the population has already seen it, made fun of it and determined Carol Baskin is actually THE WORST. But the rest of the problems in the world are still very much being leveraged for a little dark humor.
Hope you and your families are staying safe, washing your hands and have plenty of liquor and TP.
1. Stop the throwbacks

I’m sure them seeing you smiling right after your senior prom before you got to graduate with all of your friends is making them feel super supported. Whatever, we still like seeing who is clearly doing the botox and who had hair way back when.
2. Truth bomb

Turns out there is a right way to load the dishwasher, Steve.
3. Stimulus check

Nothing to see here, nothing to see.
4. Graphs

We’re okay without the anarchy but the zombies would have at least given us some sports.
5. Make your decision now

You shouldn’t be sick of any of the local places.
6. Natural beauty

The mascara down to your cheeks look is the new smoky-eye.
7. Part of your world

Even Michael Scott knows the rules.
8. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

The good old days.
9. Princess Bride

Another great movie in case you haven’t finished Netflix yet.
10. Sweet Forrest

Life is like a box of chocolates and a dangerous one at that, especially if you share that with someone who is right next to you.
11. The walls are closing in

It’s about to be Thunderdome in here.
12. What day is it?

Best part, neither one of them have on pants. #spiritanimal