Jillian Johnson

How the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Fails Military Families

“Mrs. Johnson, you’re just stressed. Here, why don’t you take my class? It will teach you how to change your… Read More

4 Fun (AND Challenging!) Workout Moves To Do With Your Spouse

I’m going to be real with you – as a busy milspouse and mom with a million commitments and too… Read More

Is It Worth it to Make New Friends as a Seasoned Military Spouse?

When my husband and I first got married, we had just arrived at his second duty station, Edwards Air Force… Read More

I’m a Milspouse Living with Chronic Anxiety. Here’s What I Want You To Know

It’s Monday. I’ve been awake since 6am and I’m sipping on hot coffee – a rare treat in my house,… Read More

How I Learned To Slow Down During Quarantine

When I used to picture what I would be doing in 2020, I can say without a doubt that “quarantining… Read More

Is Living on Base Right or Wrong for Your Family?

As PCS season approaches and stop movement orders are lifted, many families will find their lives packed up into moving… Read More

Milspo Mask Makers: Making a Difference, One Mask At a Time

By Jillian Johnson As military spouses, we pride ourselves on helping each other during times of great need. In the… Read More