Marybeth Chelanga

5 Ways to Combat the Anxious MilSpouse Heart

“You are not alone.” "Everything is going to be alright.” What comforting words for many military spouses during these uncertain… Read More

10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make the Work-from-Home Dream a Reality

Are you like me? Have you walked into countless job interviews confident and hopeful again and again? Does your resume… Read More

5 Ways to Rethink Saving: A Minimalist Approach That Can Save Big $$$

Budgeting is a concept going through many minds right now. As the economic climate is causing many to tighten their… Read More

5 Ways to Turn Your Negative Circumstances into Positive Opportunities

If military life hasn’t taught you this yet, it is only a matter of time before you realize that this… Read More

Your Milspouse 3-Step Fitness Challenge

Are you feeling lazy? Do you feel like you are lacking energy, motivation, & drive? If so, rest just may… Read More

It’s Time to Trade In “Mental” Holiday Traditions for Seasonal Peace

It’s that time of year again. That time that is supposed to be filled with love, joy, peace & giving,… Read More

Why Your Kids Don’t Want Toys for Christmas

Picture that gift that you've really been wanting for Christmas this year. That one thing you’ve been eyeing and hoping… Read More

Give the Humble Gift of a Meal This Year

It is true what they say, that giving can fill the heart much more than a gift ever can. Year… Read More

Your Cup of Tea Fitness: You Are Already Enough

US Army 1st Lieutenant and professional Track & Field Runner, Sam Chelanga and his Military Spouse, Marybeth Chelanga, have teamed… Read More

10 Ways to Help You Stop Missing Your Deployed Spouse So Much

By Marybeth Chelanga with Erin Stewart It’s that time again. With that hard knock on the front door, I was… Read More

What You Are Really Saying as a Military Spouse When You Say “I Do”

Wedding vows often say something along the lines of promising to be there for one another. The two who are… Read More

Mealtime for the MilSpouse: Simple, Speedy, Hearty, & Delicious Recipes

Mealtime can be without a doubt a hectic time of the day. All we really want is delicious and healthy… Read More

For Those Broken Valentine Hearts

Roses are red, Violets are blue, & love is found within YOU! February 14th is known much for its flowers,… Read More

5 Words To Live By for a Better Year in 2021

For many, the year of 2020 felt like driving around a small bumper car at a fair. Just when you… Read More

Finding Balance in the Social-Media-Spiraling Society

When was the last time your mind was so at rest that you found yourself gazing out the window and… Read More

5 Ways To Guarantee Fitness Success In 2021

Every year starts the same with the making of New Year’s resolutions. Fitness goals and aspirations are often set in… Read More


Do you want an escape? Do you need to take a breath? Do you miss your friends and just desire… Read More

With The Wind: Former Nike Athlete Joins the Military and Shares His Journey

1LT Chelanga with his family at his new duty station in Destin, Fl In the July 2019 issue of Military… Read More