Megan Harless

We’re All In This Together: My 2022 PCS Season Experience

After several years of stability in one location, it finally came the time to embark on our 11th PCS. While… Read More

Everyone’s Path to Advocacy is Different

A problem arises, someone complains, people say to fix things, and then it dies off somewhere. Rinse and repeat of… Read More

The Great Uncertainty of Retirement

There comes the point in one’s career where retirement becomes more and more real. It starts with realizing there are… Read More

How to Turn Your PCS into an *Affordable* Vacation

It’s the year we have all been waiting for! With many Covid restricts gone or very limited, everyone is looking… Read More

PCS Like a Pro: 5 MilSpouse-owned Companies to Help You Effortlessly Move

PCS prep season is in full swing, and while you might be completing the great purge and figuring out your… Read More

4 Things You Should Know Before a Rapid Deployment

With the world on the edge of their seats with the Ukraine-Russia conflict, more questions than answers have swept through… Read More

Military Community Reacts to Ukraine

On February 24, 2022 our nation woke to the news that the Russian military crossed the Ukrainian boarder with the… Read More

Protect Your Tangible Memories Wherever You Move

If you have moved with the military at any time, then you know how chaotic and stressful the process could… Read More

Goodbye 2021, You Won’t Be Missed

Coming out of the lock downs of 2020 many had looked to 2021 to bring better times for our country.… Read More

Celebrating the Holidays When You’re Geographically (and Emotionally) Far From Family

As a military family, many times we do not have the opportunity to go home when the holidays roll around.… Read More

5 Gift Ideas for the Kids Who Are About to PCS

'Tis the season of planning Christmas AND looking ahead at an upcoming PCS. Knowing you have a move coming up… Read More

What NOT to Say to a Military Spouse

Being a military spouse means we hear all the things. Our life experiences are very unique - it's like taking… Read More

When You’re Feeling the Retirement Anxiety

Some folks will join the military as a way to pay for college or get some experience. There are some… Read More

43 Easy Steps to Plan Your Next PCS

If you’re gearing up for your next PCS, we’ve compiled a list of "easy" steps to follow! Happy PCS! via… Read More

Hurry Up and Wait: The Dreaded PCS Build Up

Spring is always a fun time as we see many of our friends come down on orders and prepare for… Read More

The PCS Burnout is Real

Every year thousands of military families will embark on a PCS to a new location. Sometimes it is a fun… Read More

What in the PCS is Going On with Moving in 2021…

Even if you are not PCSing this year, you have either heard from a friend or seen it in a… Read More

3 Military Kids Share Their Thoughts on PCSing to a New School

When we think of PCSing, we usually think of finding a new home and moving our things from one place… Read More