Megan Harless

5 Military-Affiliated Non Profits You Need to Know About This Year

Are you looking for a non profit or other organization to support, volunteer with, or donate to? The military community… Read More

6 Ways to Keep Your Military Wedding Under Budget

We are right around the corner from the summer wedding season. The various tv shows will dazzle us with million-dollar… Read More

5 Ways to Work the $$ System During Your PCS

Peak season 2021 has officially kicked off! This year up to 350,000 service members and families will embark on a… Read More

5 Books Everyone Should Read

We can all agree that reading is important. But in our current times where it seems as if we are… Read More

5 Celebrities Who Were Also Military Kids

We all know that military children are phenomenal. They adapt to constant changes between moving, new schools, new friends, deployments… Read More

10 Best Deployment Homecoming Signs

One of the best parts about a deployment homecoming is making a homecoming signs to go with it! Some folks… Read More

The PCS Purge: It’s Time to Clean Out

Many families are coming down orders for an upcoming PCS this summer. If you have your official orders in hand,… Read More

That Remote Assignment Isn’t So Bad

When PCS season comes around, its always a fun to see where everyone has orders too. Some friends may be… Read More

The Orders I Do Not Want

Many families across the service will be receiving their next set of PCS orders in the coming weeks. For some… Read More

The Top 5 Best and Worst Duty Stations

Ask anyone who has PCS’d a couple of times, and they will give you their favorite and least favorite duty… Read More

You Got PCS Orders, So Now What Do You Do?

This time of year, we see many service members and their families come down on orders and await their next… Read More

Dear New Spouse

Dear New Spouse, Welcome to one of the biggest and best families you will ever be a part of. I… Read More

5 Lessons Military AND Civilians Learned in 2020

Oh, what a year, my friends! 2020 was not at all the year we expected or the year that we… Read More

2020 in Review: WTF Happened and Where Do We Go From Here?

While many years or even decades can be marked by a single event, 2020 will be marked by so much… Read More

What Military Family Life is Really Like for Us…

Every year, November is recognized as the month of Military Family Appreciation. A time to honor and recognize those sacrifices and… Read More

You Cannot Live Without Your Military Spouse Life Support

There was a time not too long ago when our military knew nothing but back to back deployments. Your service… Read More

I Served, Too: What Veterans Day Means to This Woman

See all this and more inside the November issue of Military Spouse Magazine! Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day… Read More

Can You Be a Dual Military Couple and Have Kids?

If being a military spouse is hard, being a dual military family is even harder. While there is nothing greater… Read More