4 Tips to Surviving Holiday Food
Submitted by Delta Life Fitness The holidays are fast approaching. It’s a joyous time filled with family, friends and...
Military Spouse is the premiere milspouse network and central hub for helpful resources and connections. Find information and advice on deployment, PCSing, relationships, benefits, military families and more! We are here to help simplify your crazy wonderful military life!
Submitted by Delta Life Fitness The holidays are fast approaching. It’s a joyous time filled with family, friends and...
Submitted by loudisladylike.com When we think of a Sponsor we tend to think of it in an active duty to active...
The authors in this series have chosen to remain anonymous, due to the current heightened emotions on both sides of...
By Captain Matthew Klobucher The 11th of November is recognized around the world as "Armistice Day," and was first celebrated in...
The authors in this series have chosen to remain anonymous, due to the current heightened emotions on both sides of...
Forgiveness in marriage is rarely an easy task, and forgiveness in marriage can be particularly daunting at times. If you...
So many young boys and girls dreams of joining the military when he or she grows up, and today being...
Beautifully written at Marcandangel.com. Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. ―Marcus Aurelius...
From ladylikeisloud.com The military lifestyle can certainly be chaotic. With PCS’s often happening every couple years, and sometimes sooner, the...
As soon as high school seniors go back to school this fall, it is imperative that time is dedicated to...
From: HelloGiggles.com We made it, you guys. Election Day is almost here. And as a reward for your endurance through this pure-insanity...
Here is the giant list of amazing Meals, Deals, and Perks for Veterans, Active Duty Servicemembers, and military families in...
From Militarytimes.com, by: Karen Jowers Military wives may be more likely to engage in binge drinking than other married women,...
I had the pleasure of attending the National Military Spouse Network’s Summit, outside of Washington, DC. You never know what...
By Sophie Mann, for USBA One year ago, we had no idea who would be the front-runners of the 2016...
By Stacey Benson, Graphics and Internal Events Coordinator, Semper Fi Fund and 2015 Armed Forces Insurance Coast Guard Spouse of...
Amazon’s new streaming show “Style Code Live” is celebrating military spouses this Veterans’ day! We know the sacrifices that military...
From NBCnews.com Defense Secretary Ash Carter ordered the Pentagon on Wednesday to stop clawing-back the bonuses that thousands of soldiers...