10 Clutch Ways to Keep The Job Once You Get It

By: Bari D. Wald, Military spouse and Air Force Reservist

Starting a new job can be exciting and anxiety-provoking and no one likes to feel like the “new guy….or gal.” As someone who has made four big career changes in the last 10 years, which included two overseas moves (and back again), I can probably tell you more about a company onboarding process than an HR representative can. Kidding. What I actually can tell you are some of the strategies and lessons I’ve used to have successful, fulfilling, and enjoyable short-term employment anywhere this military life takes me.

These tips are in no particular order, and are a collection of tips collected over the years from mentors, bosses, and through my own meandering experience.

Tip #1: Recognize what you bring to the table.

You bring a fresh set of eyes and new perspective to your position. Don’t be afraid to speak-up and make your observations known. Challenge status quo. Strive to improve your position and leave it better than you found it.  

Tip #2: Don’t get caught-up in the drama.

Run far, far away from these people. Remember – small minds talk about people, average minds talk about things, and great minds talk about ideas.  Find the great minds and make them your work-tribe.

Tip #3: Always have integrity.

Even when receiving pressure from your leadership or peers to possibly violate your integrity, do what’s right, always. You’re the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror everyday. You’ll never regret doing the right thing.

Tip #4: Stretch yourself.

Say “yes” to training and/or additional work opportunities, even if you don’t think you’re qualified. If the opportunity presents itself, say “yes,” and figure it out along the way. You’d be surprised how much you will grow and how capable you really are.

Tip #5 Take your vacation days!

Let me repeat… take your vacation days! Those days are there for a reason.  The company will still function without you. No one is that important, so use your days and go reset and refresh. 

Tip #6: Watch your alcohol intake at company parties.

No one ever got promoted at a party –but they did get demoted. The saying goes, “1 drink you’re fun, 2 drinks you’re silly, 3 drinks you’re stupid.” And it should go without saying but I’ll say it anyway…. don’t EVER drink and drive. NOT ONE DROP!

Tip #7: Get over your ego.

You’re replaceable, everyone is. The sooner you learn this, the better.

Tip #8: Don’t think a menial task is above you.

If the trash is over-flowing, take it out. If there is a spill on the ground, wipe it up.

Tip #9: Learn the names of the blue-collar workers.

They’re often overlooked and even treated badly. Make them feel like part of the team and treat them with respect.

Tip #10: Dress for success!

Whether you have a uniform, or wear a suit, you need to look presentable every day. You are a representation of the company you work for, so take pride in your appearance. This extends beyond just your clothes, and to your overall appearance. Don’t show up looking like a ragamuffin.

If you enjoyed these tips, but are still in the job hunt process, check out parts 1 and 2 of this 3-part series:

Part 1: The Resume Equation That Will Get You the Interview

Part 2: You Can Ace Your Interview and Get the Job Every Time

Bari Wald:
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