5 Ways to Rethink Saving: A Minimalist Approach That Can Save Big $$$

Budgeting is a concept going through many minds right now. As the economic climate is causing many to tighten their belts, it could very literally be valuable to find ways to save, especially now. You may look at that bank statement and not know even where to start to cut back. Everything seems like a necessity. Even if the economic climate wasn’t quite as harsh, rethinking how to save can save you big money! Materialism and this high speed society has taught us that there are a multitude of factors that are necessary to complete this perfect life we have painted in our heads. It comes down to how you look at life. Yes, if you think you need a castle, of course you will also have to fill it and all that which a castle life entails. If you are able to rethink your approach to what is actually needed in this life, you can find a multitude of ways to cut back and even more importantly, put the value on the things that really do matter. Here are 5 ways to rethink saving:

1. Know what truly brings you joy:

Is what is waiting in your shopping cart really going to add to your life? What can actually bring joy can rarely be bought. What brings joy is most likely already within reach in your life. It is when you can see and appreciate those things that you are able to see what is truly necessary.

2. Know what is truly needed for life:

What we actually need, if we are honest, can be counted on two hands. Life is much simpler than we make it. The closer we get down to the core of it all, the more we can see and appreciate those basic needs that are already met in our lives.

3. Look through another’s eyes:

When we surround ourselves by materialism and those who are driven by it and all that it entails, we too end up playing to that tune. If instead we are able to see through the eyes of those less fortunate, those in other homes, neighborhoods and countries, we are able to see that we are all connected with some simple needs that we all have in common.

4. Be thankful:

The more we are able to appreciate what we already have, the less we will find the need for more. It is easy to want more or better when you are not satisfied or grateful for what you already have. It is that thankfulness for what you already have that will quench the thirst for more or better.

5. Think differently:

In many countries, you will find people who have only two outfits. One to wear and one to wear while the other is being washed. Though it is hard to believe that those in this material driven society would be able to get to that state and be okay with it, it is that mentality that can bring the right perspective. What is truly needed? This may seem radical to hear but the closer we get to this type of thinking, the more we can find freedom, joy, and extra savings!

Marybeth Chelanga:
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