By not giving up my life plan, I am a better wife and friend. I am happier.
It works for me and it works for us. In a few years, I know we’ll face the same dilemma—the PCS. I’ll end up starting over again, but I will have more knowledge and experience, an amazing portfolio, and a pretty good referral helping me along the way.
So, to answer the question: Yes. I do work outside the home, because it is important to me. I feel compelled to work, because that is part of what fulfills me. It is possible to have a career and work toward my goals and dreams while supporting my husband and moving every few years. It is difficult at times, but manageable.
I know I’m not the norm, but I’m also not alone. Many spouses juggle careers, families, and the stresses of military life. Finding what works for you is the key. Finding what makes you happy, fulfilled, and the best person you can be is key. For me, that is working “outside” the home.