Here I was, a pregnant spouse with one toddler child; PCSing pregnant across the country. I had to quit my job. I started a new employment search in a different state. As the weeks went by, I got more pregnant and lost the motivation to even look anymore, for fear of rejection. Those weeks turned into months. There I was with a 6-month employment gap, still searching for work.
I decided then to do something I have never done to get different results, so I focused on self-progression. Self-progression, as defined by me, is constantly maturing, learning and educating yourself. When you can show that you are making the most out of your life, with or without a job, you can bring value to yourself and help your résumé in the process.
So, what’s the key? Step outside the box! This may seem obvious, but unless you identify that you are in a box, you can’t get out it. There are several ways to get out of the box, let’s discuss a few.
I joined several clubs and affiliations and they offer great opportunities for military spouses. You have opportunities to speak with other adults, and create a chance for you to grow in your given field(s). You can volunteer to host a meeting, or organize a potluck or fundraiser. There is always something you can do, and it can also be beneficial on your résumé.
Another way I stepped outside the box, was going back to school … again. It doesn’t matter how many degrees or certifications you have, another one won’t hurt, especially if it’s free or near free. There are a lot of government funded programs that offer spouses the opportunity to better themselves via education. And who says you have to rush, as long as you are taking classes, you are filling your résumé with value! Check out these Military Friendly Schools.
I started a business…eek! This is a sure-fire way to keep you busy. I am not the type of person who always wanted to be her own boss. I am more of an “employee-of-the-month-for-someone-else’s-business” type of person.
However, when there are no opportunities present we have to create them, literally. Find a niche or something you like, and make a business out of it. Starting a small business can range anywhere from $50 and upward, depending on the type of business you want. For me, it cost $125! So give it try and see what works.
Those are just a few ways to step outside of the box and bring value to yourself while filling space on your résumé. Am I saying you should give up hope for EVER finding a job? No. I am saying don’t let looking for a job consume you. So many of us focus on constant employment for our résumés, when constant self-progression is really the key. When you focus on how to be a better you, you can eliminate so much unnecessary pressure that comes with searching for a job.
Employers want to know how you can be a valuable asset to them, so show them by bringing value to yourself first.
Check out these 4 Life Skills that could help you with that!
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