How to Turn Temporary Work Into a Full-Time Position

Employment is a hot topic in the military spouse community. According to the latest report from the Department of Defense, the unemployment rate among military spouses is 24%. Between moving every few years to gaps in their resumes, spouses face insurmountable odds finding a good job. With full-time work being so hard to find, spouses often resort to part-time work in order to make ends meet.

As the holidays approach, more companies will be hiring part-time temporary help to get through the hustle and bustle of the season. These positions can be prime opportunities to turn part-time work into full-time positions, but it will take some effort. Here are some tips to turn that part-time holiday (or any other) gig into a permanent career:

Research the company.

Get to know the culture and expectations of the company you work for.  Try to find out what their values are and how you can be an asset to the company. You can usually find this information in the “About Us” section of the company’s website and/or in your employee handbook.

Be reliable.

Make sure that you are someone that your co-workers and company can rely on. Show up to work on time, complete all of your work, and giving it your all everyday are great ways to get noticed by your employer.

Build relationships.

I cannot stress this one enough. It’s important to get to know the people that you work with and that you work for. Building relationships with your bosses and co-workers will not only make your work environment a more positive one, but it will allow everyone to see you as a team player.  

Go above and beyond.

In order to really get noticed, you need to be willing to put in some extra work. When your leadership asks for extra help, volunteer as tribute (but in a good way). When you see something that needs to get done, even if it may not be in your job description, do it! Saying “yes” whenever the opportunity arises will help you stand out if and when the company starts to make decisions on who they should permanently hire.

Make your intentions known.

Let your human resources department and your leadership know that you are looking for a permanent position on your very first day of work. This will let everyone know that you are serious about the position, but it will also give them an opportunity to let you know whether a permanent hire with them is even possible. Either way, adding new experience to your existing resume is always a win, and will help your prospects in the future.

Jillian Johnson: Jillian is a proud Air Force spouse, Slytherin, and all-around creative soul. She's a California girl adjusting to Southern life with her husband, three kids, and three fur children. She's currently pursuing a degree in Psychology with a focus in child and adolescent development, and is an active volunteer within the Robins AFB community. In her spare time, Jillian enjoys reading, music, gaming, and crafting. Be on the lookout for her blog, "Milspouse, Mom, Geek" - launching in Fall 2020!
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