Meet Your Verified Community for Military Spouses: Toasting the Success of 12M+

Nestled in the idyllic town of Southern Pines, North Carolina, in the shadow of towering pine trees, the Twelve Million Plus (12M+) office stands proudly in the heart of downtown. Though it has only been open for a year, it has become a neighborhood hub for military spouse professionals looking for job opportunities, networking, and community. The office is a dedicated coworking space only for military spouses, promising authentic relationships and hot coffee. On March 1st, 12M+ celebrated its first birthday, throwing its doors open to welcome a long line of guests. Over 250 military spouses (with more than 50 children in tow) attended the party for the coworking refuge that exists to serve, help, and uplift. 

But before there was an office welcoming our underserved community, there was Instant Teams. In 2016, founders Erica McMannes and Liza Rodewald built Instant Teams to link qualified military-spouse professionals to companies looking for employees. With the military spouse unemployment rate at 21%, it continues to be one of the critical issues surrounding military families, as well as a concern when it comes to service retention. Instant Teams filled the gap to ensure military spouses had a digital way to advance their skills and careers. Though they found success, Erica and Liza wanted to grow the organization beyond the Instant Teams borders to a physical space designed for military spouses to interact and network at in-person events, along with a separate virtual platform for fostering connection. 

“We saw a real need in the military spouse community to feel more connected,” explains Liza. “Since we are a global community, we decided to tackle this issue in two ways: one in a virtual app and one via a coworking space dedicated to military spouses. We are continually striving to provide unique experiences to the military spouse community.”

Thus, Instant Teams launched the app and the in-person office one year ago, and the first weekend in March, we celebrated. In addition to military locals, spouses from Fort Liberty, home of the 82nd Airborne, were transported by a trolley to the balloon-clad sidewalk where baristas handed out specialty brews from a local coffee shop. Once inside, the celebration only highlighted the commitment that 12M+ has to the community, as it hosted more than a dozen local military spouse small businesses. Stations for candle making, hair and makeup, headshots, and even baked goods were available for the adults while the children enjoyed the indoor play area, snacks, and birthday cake. With door prizes and giveaways, every participant left with a full bag of swag, including discounts to local stores like R. Riveter. The virtual 12M+ community wasn’t forgotten, as they were able to play a variety of games within the app to compete for books signed by Corie Weathers and generous gift-card prizes provided by Spouse-ly businesses. Live videos promoted the interaction between the virtual and physical spaces, complete with cheers for the winners as they were announced.

“Without a moment’s hesitation, I would recommend 12M+ to friends, and frankly, to anyone who seeks a community that uplifts and supports military spouses,” says Felicia, an Army spouse of 13 years. “If you’re looking for a place where you can grow, connect, and thrive, even in the face of the challenges military life throws at you, 12M+ is that place. It’s not just about networking; it’s about finding your tribe, a group of people who understands you deeply and supports you unconditionally.”

This birthday bash was a celebration of the thousands of military spouses who have enjoyed the 12M+ spaces as peers and professionals. Within these walls (virtual or otherwise), this group builds on each other, standing on the shoulders of those who share their experiences and wisdom. It is a sacred community that has so much to offer, and our days of being ignored, overlooked, and passed over in the workforce are numbered. 

This is the beginning of a legacy. 

Abby Ammons:
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