What It Takes To Find Employment in Today’s Market – Strategic Resumes

Employers want to see resumes with progressive experience in the same or complimenting industries with no significant gaps in employment. My ability to acquire this type of track record is not possible with a military family life. So how do we, as Military Spouses, seek and secure satisfying employment amidst today’s market?

The word resume garnishes a lot of attention these days. Numerous interlinking factors contribute to ears and eyes perking to alert when the word arises: a gloomy economy, lower job availability, higher candidate pools, increased competition, increasingly non-functional candidate selection processes and systems, and overall decreased confidence in the job search arena. Regardless of whether these factors are real or perceived, the factors are affecting job seeker moral significantly and forcing major changes in the job search process.

Many job seekers resort to the tried-and-true “traditional” way of looking for employment:

  1. Update the good old chronological resume
  2. Look for a job posts in which all qualifications are met and directly align with past experience
  3. Apply for job by submitting a resume, cover letter, and application if required
  4. Wait to be called for an interview
  5. Go to interview with a copy of the resume in hand
  6. Send a follow-up thank you letter and wait for the job offer

This process may work for a small portion of candidates out there today but for most job seekers, an entirely new set of strategies and approaches are coming into play. For the “traditional” approach, the resume is king. Hence, the reason you likely perked up when you read the article’s title! Job seekers fool themselves when they think a better resume will make the job search fruitful. The game is changing and although resumes are still an important aspect of candidate selection and hiring, resumes are no longer the most pivotal piece.

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Michelle Aikman: Michelle Aikman is the founder and Lead Consultant of Skilled Assets, a premier career management and corporate consulting business. She's also one of only 38 Nationally Certified Résumé Writers worldwide. The NCRW is the premier industry certification upholding the most stringent standards for quality in mechanics, strategy, and formatting. With extensive “in-the-trenches” experience navigating the job market as a military spouse and engineer, she is an advocate for the military community and people with complex situations like major career changers and people with paid work gaps. Michelle promotes proactive career management and strategic career transition techniques so people can have the type of work that is truly fulfilling and fits with their life. She also works to transform the hiring market, helping employers recognize, capture, and retain high-value talent who are often overlooked for all of the wrong reasons. Find Michelle on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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