You Can Pave the Way for the Next Woman

According to The New York Times, U.S. entrepreneurship had increased by 24 percent during the coronavirus crisis, which has been the most significant increase recorded.

With this in mind, the entrepreneurship world may feel more competitive than ever, everyone striving for financial gains and social media fame. Now there’s nothing wrong with having ambition, but how you go about it will determine how far you genuinely want to go.        

As a military spouse entrepreneur, I can boldly say, we all experienced “the competitiveness.” Starting your business and getting your feet wet for the very first time, and just trying to get your brand out there can sometimes feel a little intimidating. Or what about starting over when arriving at a new duty station? It feels incredibly discouraging to succumb to the daunting tasks of re-connecting, re-establishing, and squaring away any business legalities.  

What if I were to tell you obstacles such as these can be your advantage?

Expansion Opportunities! With the right connections, you can accelerate influence, heighten awareness, and promote obtainable goals through professional networking. In the entrepreneurship world, professional networking is critical to running a sustainable business. However, it’s not all about meeting people to increase your sales but offering productive relationships for businesses to benefit everyone involved mutually.  

The idea behind successful networking is not so much about getting something out of it for yourself, but what you can also give back. Motive check is everything. Are you willing to give up the idea of who takes the credit and look at the bigger picture of the impact of collaboration?  

Here are some suggestions to help you develop in professional networking. Are you ready to produce excellent results?    

1. Connect with other military spouse entrepreneurs

When building your mission towards professional networking, make it a practice to take time to build connections with people in your military community. Next time you see a fellow military spouse posting about their business, reflect on how their skills and talents may be able to complement your area of expertise and vice versa.    

2. Leverage social media

Bring awareness to someone else’s small business by promoting them through an interview on your social media business page and share it abroad. Social media is a great way to create a more extensive reach in audience diversity, and creating content for online communities can mutually benefit everyone involved.  

Did you know giving back leads to other avenues for business opportunities?   

3. Work together for a greater cause

Collaborate with other Milspouse Entrepreneurs on events by partnering up with local businesses or nonprofits in your area that brings awareness to what is happening in the community. Giving back to serve others better opens doors like you could never imagine because it strengthens your brand by reflecting your character.   

I want to encourage you today to posture yourself in the attitude of empowering others as a professional network builder so that every entrepreneur woman around you learns how to pave the way for the next woman. To be great is to serve others; let this concept apply to your entrepreneurship because onlookers see and are naturally attracted to those who give. Be that woman who builds her legacy by making a difference to those around her. What can you do to pave the way for the next woman?

Barbara Logan:
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