
Military Spouse JD Network Hosts 2nd Annual Career Development Conference

Photo: MSJDN member Josie Beets at the networking luncheon with her husband, Captain Sean Zehtab, and Lt. General Dana Chipman, past… Read More

No Time? No Money? No Excuse.

Being a military spouse can be difficult, lonely, and trying at times, but this military spouse decided she wasn't going… Read More

College Funding Options for Military Spouses

Photo Credit: CollegeDegrees360 By Craig Gilman, Faculty Member at American Military University Balancing military family life and education is hard, but… Read More

It Is Never Too Late To Achieve Success

My best friend recently suggested we should pretend we'll live to 150. That way, regardless of our age, no one… Read More

10 Essential School Supplies for the Military Spouse

Your zipper down, your shirt slightly askew, a booger, a stray hair that makes you look like Dennis the Menace's… Read More

College 101: Classroom Versus Computer

Article by John Aldrich, Navy Spouse (Ret.), Associate Vice President for Military and Community College Outreach at American Military University… Read More

Brittany’s Winning Home Depot Scholarship Essay

By Brittany Garcia-Ortiz, Air Force Spouse Hi, my name is Brittany Garcia-Ortiz, and like many, I am a military wife… Read More

Celebrate! You Deserve It!

Lakesha Cole, 2014 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year In today's world, we're required to wear many hats,… Read More

What Do Military Spouses REALLY Want?

There is no question that marrying a service member, while wonderful, comes with some sacrifices. Many military spouses modify, delay,… Read More

Resilient Spouse Academy

Jennifer Rickert has always found a way to bounce back. She knows the power of resiliency, and she's passionate about… Read More