
7 Urban Dictionary Phrases That Hilariously Describe Deployment

What started out as a joke between friends sent me down one of the most hilarious rabbit holes I have… Read More

After Historically Long Deployment, Nimitz is Almost Home

From After heading over the horizon last April, just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to upend life across… Read More

Take Out, Binge Watching, and Other Strange Deployment Habits

“Hey, Sweetheart. We need to have the talk.” My husband’s kind, but firm, tone of voice on the other side… Read More

2020 Holiday Care Package Deadlines

The U.S. Postal Service offers discounted shipping year-round for military, perfect for sending presents and cards to military members this… Read More

You Will Survive Short Tours and Deployments During COVID-19…I Promise.

“I can’t do it anymore.” The heaviness surrounding our last few weeks as a family finally caught up with me… Read More

Why I’m Strong: How One Military Daughter Feels About Deployment

The day my dad left for deployment brought me hard feelings - feelings that were hard for me to process.… Read More

Redeployment: A Perspective from the Homefront

Written by: Sydney Smith It’s February, and I can finally say he will be home soon. They tell you that… Read More

Deployment Prep: What You Should Really Focus On While You Still Have Your Spouse in Your Arms

Every so often my Facebook feed explodes with photos of friends saying see you later, as their spouse embarks on… Read More

Finding Joy When You’re Alone During Holiday Deployments

Last Christmas, when my husband was deployed, I thought I was doing a great job staying positive, being strong, and… Read More

7 Reasons I’m Thankful Even Though I’ll Be Alone on Thanksgiving

I shuffled into the dark kitchen in the early morning, like so many Thanksgivings before in our married life. As… Read More