We chase the fading light of the longest day of the year for as long as possible, but the sun...
Read moreDetailsJuly 8, 2013 Nearly 85% of the DoD's civilian workforce, approximately 650,000 individuals, will see a day without pay this...
Read moreDetailsThe time has come to leave the military. Some are retiring, some are choosing not to re-enlist, some are medically...
Read moreDetailsHe is your husband; he is your brother; he is your son. June 30th marked the four year anniversary of...
Read moreDetails10. Your trash. If it's in the garbage can, it's getting wrapped in paper and moving with you cross-country. In...
Read moreDetailsThis week we published an article involving the subject of Health and Welfare Inspections for housing both on and off...
Read moreDetailsJune 10, 1944, that's the day that my grandfather reached the beaches of Normandy as part of the 951st Field...
Read moreDetailsBrain refresher: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/commissary-plan-backlash-show-difficulty-of-cutting-military-personnel-spending/2013/06/01/15fb6c12-c922-11e2-9245-773c0123c027_story.html My favorite portion of said article is the little tagline for the photo: "Shoppers forage for bargains...
Read moreDetailsA Conversation with Military Spouse and Cancer Survivor, Lesley Worley. Sunday, June 2, was National Cancer Survivors Day. "A 'survivor'...
Read moreDetailsAs of this day, I have been through two complete deployments and am approaching a homecoming for the third. This...
Read moreDetailsI walk out of the store with two bouquets of flowers and, as I walk to the idling car where...
Read moreDetailsFind out how a Marine Corps Veteran and Marine Corps Spouse established a terrific business and service to help military...
Read moreDetailsPCS season is in full-swing for the military community. And no matter how many times you have been through the...
Read moreDetailsThere's been a coupon craze going on and I use to feel bad for not stocking up on items that...
Read moreDetailsEvery time I tell the story, I start at the same place. Outside of Fort Lewis as a young military...
Read moreDetailsTo some, "Sweet Home Alabama" is a cute chick flick with Reese Witherspoon or that song everyone loves to sing...
Read moreDetailsI have been a proud member of the military spouse community for almost 14 years. As my husband would say,...
Read moreDetailsWe've been told, mostly from brochures, pins on Pinterest or sayings on wooden wall hangings, that being a military spouse...
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