Spring is always a fun time as we see many of our friends come down on orders and prepare for...
Read moreDetailsOne military spouse created a way to connect military kids the old fashion way through a mailbox and handwritten letters. The...
Read moreDetailsBalancing life as a working mom has its difficulties, then you add the military lifestyle into the equation, and it's...
Read moreDetailsBy Rachel Crist In The Beginning I know I know “not another military spouse blog, please!” I was also one...
Read moreDetailsYou might not have the garden of your dreams in base housing, but you can still have a garden! You...
Read moreDetailsAll caught up on your favorite shows after being stuck at home and wondering what to watch next? Here are...
Read moreDetailsFor most Americans springtime means the time of year when new things pop up out of the ground and life...
Read moreDetailsBy Marybeth Chelanga with Erin Stewart It’s that time again. With that hard knock on the front door, I was...
Read moreDetailsDeployments are a hardship that military families endure on a regular basis. If you belong to a military family, whether...
Read moreDetailsThe path to education is always evolving, especially majors for military spouses. With more accredited majors being offered digitally, spouses...
Read moreDetailsEvery year thousands of military families will embark on a PCS to a new location. Sometimes it is a fun...
Read moreDetailsAnyone else in need of some good ol’ family fun? As a military family, we incur a tremendous amount of...
Read moreDetailsWhen my husband and I moved into our first home, a 1970's lake cottage near Fort Hood, Texas, two people...
Read moreDetailsLet’s face the cold, hard truth; many of us were stagnant during this past year’s barrage of lockdowns! We became...
Read moreDetailsEven if you are not PCSing this year, you have either heard from a friend or seen it in a...
Read moreDetailsPCS Season is in full swing and many of us will soon find ourselves rowing steadily down the stream of...
Read moreDetailsGet-togethers can be a time of grand celebration or add to the compounding feelings of loneliness on a deployment. Whether...
Read moreDetailsOne of the best things about being military-related is having access to MWR: Morale Welfare and Recreational resources. If you’ve...
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