It is March and we are getting ready to kick off Spring Break season! When my husband and I were...
Read moreDetailsThe girls have already been crying over the upcoming move. My daughter is eight years old, and her best friend...
Read moreDetailsLife in the military can be a bit of a challenge, mixed with a lot of excitement. As my children...
Read moreDetailsI achieved a milestone in January. I was sitting down reading a book on my Kindle when it happened. No...
Read moreDetailsMarch is Women’s History Month. Our military history is lined with the incredible dedication and work of military wives: Martha...
Read moreDetailsThe first time I poured my youngest daughter a bowl of Fruit Loops, her eyes widened in awe and wonder...
Read moreDetailsIn the world of wrestling, Sally Roberts stands as a powerhouse of strength, resilience, and determination. A former elite wrestler,...
Read moreDetailsAs military families, we know all too well the helpless feeling of our inability to be with loved ones while...
Read moreDetailsEveryone has different experiences in their lives where they’ve had to set boundaries and sometimes draw a hard line and...
Read moreDetailsLet’s be honest, military marriages are no walk in the park. As military spouses we encounter trials, conflict, isolation, loneliness,...
Read moreDetailsIn full transparency, Valentine’s Day has never been an important holiday for me. I have always preferred a random act...
Read moreDetailsFebruary is here and with it comes aisles and aisles of red boxes filled with hearts, teddy bears, and flowers...
Read moreDetailsAs military spouses, we have so much to offer in terms of advice, wisdom, encouragement, and —most importantly— our stories....
Read moreDetailsAs we roll into February, I like to think about the relationships in my life, not just between me and...
Read moreDetailsIn its fifth year, Pink Warrior Angels is gearing up for its annual fundraising gala, the Runway of Hope. This...
Read moreDetailsOn November 4, 1930, in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Dora Ruth Pettes emerged into the world as the daughter of...
Read moreDetailsAs my daughters mourned the passing of Matthew Perry, I grieved Chandler Bing and realized how blessed I have been...
Read moreDetailsIt’s a new year, and many have high aspirations and expectations for 2024. We have reflected on 2023 and are...
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