
“The Sign”: Watching the Bluey Season Finale in the Wake of PCS Notice

I sat on my couch with my four-year-old daughter nestled up against me. Her red curls were disheveled from a… Read More

Moving is Hard: 5 Fun Ideas to Help Your Kids Keep Their Friendships After a PCS

The girls have already been crying over the upcoming move. My daughter is eight years old, and her best friend… Read More

PCS Proofing Your Marriage: 5 Ways to Survive a PCS Hand in Hand

Let’s be honest, military marriages are no walk in the park. As military spouses we encounter trials, conflict, isolation, loneliness,… Read More

We’re All In This Together: My 2022 PCS Season Experience

After several years of stability in one location, it finally came the time to embark on our 11th PCS. While… Read More

Finding Joy When You Feel Left Behind

It started when you saw the boxes. You knew your friend would be moving, but it felt so far away.… Read More

Tips from Experienced Moms for PCS’ing While Pregnant

As if moving across the country with your active-duty spouse isn’t already a little stressful, how about doing it while… Read More

PCS Like a Pro: Your Guide to Navigating Your PCS as Painlessly as Possible

Megan Harless is a seasoned military spouse, a fierce PCS reform advocate, and the host of the “PCS Like a… Read More

Military Spouse, Oh, the Places You’ll Go

If you walked through the front door of our whitewashed brick home, nestled among the loblolly pines of North Carolina,… Read More

5 Questions to Ask as You Process Your PCS Stress

Stress isn't just a mood. Stress creates a direct response in your body, leaving you irritable, tired, and wired. During… Read More

How to Turn Your PCS into an *Affordable* Vacation

It’s the year we have all been waiting for! With many Covid restricts gone or very limited, everyone is looking… Read More