“Ooo you’re about to get those GOOD military marriage benefits!” I would always wonder why people said this to me...
Read moreDetailsDo military couples experience infidelity more often, less often, or as often as their civilian counterparts? Is the military community...
Read moreDetailsHelp! My Service Member Needs to Lose Weight to Stay In...How Do I help? This is a question that all...
Read moreDetailsThis week I am at the end of the rope with my husband’s branch of service. You see, he’s about...
Read moreDetailsWe have a little secret here in the military community that the rest of the universe is not so quick...
Read moreDetailsI thought I had hobbies -- until I met my husband. He takes hobbies to the next level. Whether it’s...
Read moreDetailsI don’t know why it is, but every year around this time I start to turn into a bit of...
Read moreDetailsThe military, statistically, is not positively reflected by the data when analyzing marriage dynamics. Hard as it may be to create,...
Read moreDetailsAs Valentine's Day approaches, military spouses around the world start to reminisce about what it was like when they first...
Read moreDetailsThe day of love is approaching, and it involves chocolates (my FAVE), flowers (oh allergies), and dates with the boo....
Read moreDetailsI had expectations. They weren’t high expectations, but I had a plan anyway! I was going to follow society's rule...
Read moreDetailsMost, if not all of us, have been there at one point or another… arguing with our partner and frustrated...
Read moreDetailsI hunched forward in my chair, figuring if I made myself seem smaller, no one would notice me or force...
Read moreDetailsIt's a new year! What’s the plan for you and your family? One of our traditions is to sit down...
Read moreDetailsIn Collaboration with Marriage.com Well, this has been a ride, let me tell you. The second deployment in 3 years...
Read moreDetailsIn true end-of-year fashion, it’s natural to find ourselves reminiscing over the previous months. For me, I reflect on my...
Read moreDetailsIt’s a universal truth among the “newly engaged” population of this world: After the honeymoon period of your engagement is...
Read moreDetailsSome call it unexplained infertility, others call it difficulty conceiving, and I’ve even referred to it as reproductively challenged. No...
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