At Home

4 Simple Ways to Jumpstart Spring Cleaning

There is something about this time of year that just makes me want to tear my house apart and fix… Read More

So, You Want to be a Landlord

Buying a home is a right of passage; always an expensive passage but hopefully a very exciting one! It’s a… Read More

4 Incredible Tricks To Help You OWN Your Finances

No matter what challenges you've set for the New Year, financial fitness can be the spinach to your Popeye, the… Read More

Kickstarter Success! Military Spouse Launches Military Inspired Jewelry Line

An jewelry designer is taking her passion for supporting military families and drawing on her own experience as a military… Read More

How to Avoid Distance AFTER Distance

The military way of life throws many curveballs into families. Even on trips as short as two months, it's easy… Read More

DIY Furniture Hacks: Military Spouse Style

Cramped spaces, bare walls and lack-luster appearances are often adjectives the average military spouse could use to describe his/her home.… Read More

How To Have A Guilt Free Deployment

So, you've reached the acceptance stage of deployment. You're over your initial funk of living through the day to day… Read More

Overcoming the ‘F’ Word: Finances

Photo Credit:   I confess. I never do math in public. Not even easy math. I am a non-money… Read More

Yankee in a Small Southern Town

I was born and raised below the Mason Dixon line, technically making me a Southerner. However, anyone who knows me… Read More

Find The Perfect Realtor For Your Perfect Military Home

Article by Jenn Kiefer, Army Spouse I'm convinced my childhood as an Army brat is what attracted my husband to me.… Read More