At Home

Staying Busy While You’re Deployed

Do you ever wonder what happens at home the day your ship goes underway?  How does your spouse handle it?… Read More

Is Working From Home Costing You?

If you've even considered working from home, particularly as sole proprietor (aka, freelancer, contract worker, self-employed) you're probably familiar with… Read More

The Day My Husband Didn’t Die

alive day n. the anniversary of a close escape from death, especially one involving permanent injury.  -   It's… Read More

Love Makes A Family

By Kelly Robinson, Army Spouse   Last summer, we brought home seven pounds, eleven ounces of peaceful perfection.  Hadley is… Read More

The Mouse in My Laundry Pile

I need a laundry fairy.  Plain and simple; I never seem to get to the bottom of a pile. It's… Read More

7 Life Truths Found In A Rocky Marathon

You read that right, I am referring to the eternal underdog; the Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa!  Even if you never… Read More

Boot Camp Sleepwalker

"Mommy!  I'm awake because it is three thirty in the morning!" were the words that woke me up from a… Read More

Bending Light , Chapter One – Wake Up

Chapter One: Wake-up The sound of the telephone was unwelcome though not surprising, Veronica had been expecting to hear from… Read More

Our Two Amazing, Autistic Military Kids

Article by: Rebekah BavryPhoto Credit: I'm that mom. That mom you see in the store with her two kids… Read More

What if Communication ISN’T the Key to a Happy Marriage?

Guest Author: E.J. Smith, M.S., NCC, LPC-Intern and Military SpousePhoto Credit: Tamptopia Photography You've heard it on television from… Read More