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10 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a House

I'll start at the most obvious point - the beginning; my first rookie mistake. ---  Spring is time for all… Read More

I Left My Heart in Old Town – Part 1

The Day of the Dead festivities at Old Town in San Diego were in full swing.  Decorations adorned the historic… Read More

75 Ways to Get and STAY Organized!

Organization.  For some of us it is something that comes easy... for others it can be a daily challenge.  Add… Read More

Staying Organized when the Kids Outnumber You!

This family of six is not the most organized but we do try our best to prevent last minute screaming… Read More

Five Ways to Divert His Attention from His ‘Other Wife’

He's sitting on the couch, his brow furrowed as he scoots to the very edge, and rests his elbows on… Read More

Never too Fat to Get Fit

As 2014 begins and another year is behind us, I want to talk to those who have made the resolution… Read More

Easy Budgeting for the Military Family

  Earnings for military folks can be very tricky to manage.  It's not just one easy, predictable payment that gets… Read More

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday

How do you feel better about yourself? We are imperfect. We make mistakes. We are human. But, that doesn't mean… Read More

Why Being YOU Is Good Enough

I knew something was wrong as soon as I struggled to bench press 85 pounds. I remember thinking to myself,… Read More

The Difficult Journey To Empowerment

  Recently, I was asked to define what 'empowerment' meant to me personally.  It's amazing, isn't it, how one word… Read More