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Do Parents HELP Too Much?

I have been struggling lately with how much help I should give Cailin. Between selling Girl Scout cookies, crafty school… Read More

Design on a Military Dime

I have broken the cardinal sin of military families and renters everywhere on so many occasions I have lost count.… Read More

Can the Military Inspect My Home?

This week we published an article involving the subject of Health and Welfare Inspections for housing both on and off… Read More

Sweet Home Alabama-My National Guard Experience on an Active Duty Base

To some, "Sweet Home Alabama" is a cute chick flick with Reese Witherspoon or that song everyone loves to sing… Read More

5 Tips For Sustainable Living

Article by Guest Contributor, Carrie Garner, Army Spouse I don't know what changed. Maybe it was the shows or movies… Read More

Crafts If You Hate Crafts

I've always wanted to enjoy arts and crafts. I've been longing for the day when one of my friends asks,… Read More

Easy Recipes to Make for Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo is right around the corner on May 5th, 2013. It's celebrated as a way to observe the… Read More

5 Tips for the Work at Home Parent

Many military spouses have decided to seek employment that will allow them to work from home. In fact more people,… Read More

4 Little Things to Smile about When Your Spouse is Away

Let's face it this military life is not for the faint of heart. A majority of our days are spent… Read More

Swimsuit Season Sees You! 5 Tips to Get You Ready!

We don't need to tell you how important a regular exercise regimen is to your overall health. Mainstream media and… Read More