
Halloween is the Only Time to Hide Behind a Mask

As a kid I wasn’t allowed to do Halloween. It is one of the holidays that now as an adult, I… Read More

Teal Pumpkins to Make Halloween Safe for Kids with Food Allergies

From Halloween can be extra scary for kids with food allergies. Chocolate is frightening if you're allergic to milk,… Read More

Deadlines for Delivering Holiday Care Packages to Your Servicemembers

U.S. Postal Service Recommended Mailing Dates From USPS: "The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, but… Read More

Valentine’s Day With a Twist

Author's note: Several weeks after this was published, the military spouse honored in this piece, Auline, passed away unexpectedly. I… Read More

10 Things Military Spouses Are Grateful For This Christmas

December is a lot of things. It’s a season of happiness, laughter, family, present buying, baking, cold weather, reflection, regrowth… Read More

5 Ways to Stay Positive While You’re Alone This Christmas

Deployments always have their hard moments, but they can feel especially challenging during the holiday season. It can be difficult… Read More

The Infamous Christmas Truce – Then & Now

The year was 1914 and the world was immersed in war- the Great War. A war that many envisioned to… Read More

Beyond FaceTime: Staying Connected Through The Holidays

His favorite meal is almost ready, the warm and familiar aroma filling the house. His favorite cookies sit waiting for… Read More

Handling Holiday Stress With Grace, Laughter, and Wine!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Or at least that’s the rumor. For some of us this time… Read More

25 Things Only a Military Spouse Would Understand about Christmas…

The music is in the air, people are stringing lights, the world is full of smiles and laughter; Christmastime is… Read More