Male Spouse

Why Can’t I Get Male Spouses to Attend Military Spouse Events?

Longtime military spouse and contributor to, Jen McDonald has a brand new Q&A for military spouses on her website,… Read More

Male Spouse Perspective: Finding a Job as a Military Spouse

“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” –Marva Collins Military Spouse Employment. It’s probably one of the most… Read More

Male Spouse Perspective: Coping with Deployment

“I can hit a kid in the chest with a PBJ, going 70, from the front seat of a minivan… Read More

Male Spouse Perspective: First Impressions Matter

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” -Harlan Hogan I use this quote almost everyday because… Read More

The Male Spouse Perspective on Spouse Clubs

By: Sean P. O'Driscoll- Navy Spouse I was scrolling through Facebook shortly after my wife and I had PCS’d to… Read More

Sincerely, Left Behind Male Spouse

Dear Mindy, I am not sure what to do. I am the very rare and hardly noticed male military spouse.… Read More

Miserably Ever After…?

Article by Chris Field, Army Spouse A couple of days a week, my wife is able to drop our kids… Read More

Our Pride Is The Same: Life As A Male Military Spouse

By Ashley Jacobs, Marine Spouse Life as a military spouse can be a roller coaster. It is full of ups… Read More

I Was A Real Man’s Man!

Prior to my wife's enlistment in the Army, I was a real man's man. For the better part of a… Read More

HomeFront Rising – A Ground Breaking Seminar for Military Spouses

Photo Credit: Sarah Butcher HomeFront Rising promised to be a ground-breaking seminar introducing military spouses to a crash-course in politics… Read More