Shop With Purpose: Macy’s Salutes Those Who Serve

During the month of July, the iconic red star in the Macy’s logo goes blue—figuratively speaking of course.

Macy’s has once again chosen Blue Star Families and Bunker Labs as the beneficiaries of Macy’s Salutes Those Who Serve campaign. Since 2018, $2.6 million has been raised for Blue Star Families and Bunker Labs as a part of Macy’s charitable initiatives.

Here is an opportunity to shop with a purpose while shopping for an upcoming summer vacation, back-to-school clothes or weddings. After all, this event is all about you and your loved ones.

During Macy’s Salutes Those Who Serve campaign, look for Macy’s team members proudly displaying green and gold ribbons. The ribbons indicate whether a team member is either a military veteran, military member, or military family member. It is a great opportunity to express gratitude, show support for one another, and make personal connections.

Recently, I had the privilege to speak with a valued member of the Macy’s family at the Macy’s at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, VA. Danny Marroquin, is a 24-year-old Army reservist who oversees the store’s Loss Prevention Office.

Danny, is the comeback kid, who displays the same passion and pride for serving his country as he does his job at Macy’s. Danny’s commitment to his family, job and country has been a driving force in overcoming devastating injuries he sustained in a 2018 accident. Told he would have limited use of his legs—Danny persevered. While some people might use this as an out for continuing their service commitment, not Danny. He was determined to return even stronger. Defying all odds, he is back serving side-by-side his Army brothers and sisters.

Danny wears many hats, but perhaps the one he is most proud to wear is fatherhood. He beamed with joy when he spoke about his two-year old daughter. Despite all his commitments, he somehow manages to give 100 percent to every endeavor. He credits Macy’s for supporting his service and recognizing the importance of family.

Macy’s Fair Oaks Mall Manager, Paige Horst, had no shortage of praise for Danny, his work and service. She emphasized how lucky the store was to have him. This came as no surprise given the outpouring of support the store has given him.

When Danny was asked how the charitable campaign, Macy’s Salutes Those Who Serve made him feel, as both a service member and employee, he responded,

“Macy’s has always been supportive of my service and family. They are flexible with the days and hours I work, and time I need off. They always tell me if I need to spend extra time with my family before or after I am away [with the reserves], they will work with me to give me the time I need.” He continued, “They have also offered to give me extra hours if I need help with housing expenses or for my family.”

In addition to the support of his service and family commitments, the store uses patriotic holidays to show their appreciation and pride in him. He described how he was “blown away” with how the store celebrates his service and love for this country. Danny expounded,

“I walked into the break room and there was a banner, platters of food, and posters thanking me. It surprised me, because I don’t talk a lot about my service. I didn’t think people knew.”

Danny’s devotion to his family and country, are intertwined, much like the mission of Blue Star Families. Danny made the decision to go into the military at a young age, signing up before he turned 18. The images of 9/11 were seared into his memory. The attacks impacted him deeply, shaping his desire to serve. Danny’s parents immigrated from Central America to Chicago, IL. He felt a sense of duty to give back to the country, which gave he and his family so much. Danny explained,

“This country has given so much to my family. It opened many doors for them. We love this country. I wanted to give back.”

Macy’s Salute to Those Who Serve charitable campaign benefiting Blue Star Families, validates the importance of military families. Happier, healthier and stronger military families make for a stronger force. Danny’s story is unique, but the inspirations behind his decision to join the military are a common theme. Recognizing the contributions and sacrifices made by military families reaffirms military members’ decision to serve. Blue Star Families advocates for military families, and supports them along the way. Here’s a great opportunity to support their mission to support military families.

Make the most of your shopping experience

If you are eager to support Blue Star Families by shopping at Macy’s, here are some tips for making your dollar stretch further while shopping:

  • Check to see if your Macy’s store offers a military discount*. Here are the Macy’s stores that give military discounts
  • Budget your time and don’t skip Backstage at Macy’s. You are guaranteed to find good deals on clothing, shoes, accessories and items for your home.
  • Look for coupons and special sales events.
  • Throughout the store there are clearance racks. Don’t pass them up.

*Only available in select stores. Customer must present valid military ID at the time of purchase.

Sarah Roderick-Fitch:
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