9. Textbooks: Rent Don’t Buy!
The most daunting task of the college student is paying for over priced required textbooks. I have some good news for you. There are a number of websites that will rent most textbooks to you at a fraction of the cost! A basic Internet search will pull up some great options to rent textbooks. If you think you’ll get most of your money refunded during book-buy-back at the conclusion of the semester, you’re in for a rude awakening.
10. Diet Coke, date night, and rewards.
As military spouses that are attending school, we are presented with a whole different set of challenges. Perhaps PCS season, deployments, putting the kids first and other obstacles notorious to our lifestyle have interrupted your schooling. It is for this reason I wish to relay the following messages: YOU ARE AMAZING. YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Breathe, baby, breathe. The fact that you are stepping foot back in the classroom is not only impressive, but noble. Reward yourself after big exams, mid-terms, and long homework assignments. A little Diet Coke and a few Jack Bauer marathons with your loved one are well deserved once in a while.
Now that you have your shopping list handy, let’s hear some additional classroom items you cannot function without!
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