10 Essential School Supplies for the Military Spouse

Your zipper down, your shirt slightly askew, a booger, a stray hair that makes you look like Dennis the Menace’s long lost sibling–these are some worries that consume our ADULT brains when we ponder the thought of going BACK TO SCHOOL! It seems like we get lost in the mix of our appearance at school and  forget the basics. Just like your kindergarten teacher, I’m going to do you a solid and give you a supply list that will hopefully let you focus on looking in the mirror before your big debut on campus. Here are ten things adult students can’t live without.
1.   Planner:
Forget Google calendar, that free app on your iPhone, and your wicked awesome memory– you NEED a planner. Old school. Paper and pen style. It’s not just my cheap personality talking, it’s actually science. Writing things down creates a pathway for information to be stored in our long-term memories rather than our short-term.  You’ll need to remember due dates, exams, and most importantly, breaks!
2. Pens:
Not cute pens, but practical pens. Raise your hand if you’ve ever bought the ever-popular gel pens that don’t seem to function at the most important of times. Everyone gets that one professor that makes Sir Mix A-Lot’s verbal word per second count look amateur. When your paths cross with this teacher, you’ll need a smooth, reliable, and effective pen to try and stay at least twelve words behind him.

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Morgan Slade:
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