Boss Babe Becky Hoy, Founder of Brave Crate, Gets ZEN

Milspouse Moguls: Entrepreneurship Series from Military Spouse®, with host Moni Jefferson, is your go-to source for empowering and supporting your entrepreneurial journey. We’ve got all the juicy insights, resources, and inspiration you need, straight from successful military spouse entrepreneurs. You’ll hear real-life stories, interviews, podcasts, videos, and more, all showcasing how military spouses can slay the challenges of entrepreneurship while juggling military life like a boss. Listen on Spotify or Apple podcasts and subscribe below!

Becky Hoy

Becky Hoy is a U.S. Army Spouse of 12 years and the Founder of Brave Crate–the deployment countdown box for military spouses. After struggling to thrive as a new military spouse during her husband, Randy’s, first deployment, Becky used her background in Business Operations to carefully craft systems and routines that would allow her to reclaim the season of deployment by focusing on self development and wellness. She is devoted to shifting the paradigm for military spouses by highlighting the unique opportunities for personal growth that the military lifestyle presents for families. Becky’s work has helped to shape more than 2,000 months of deployment countdowns for military spouses, and has been featured in multiple print and digital publications including Military Spouse Magazine and HuffPost.

Watch Becky’s exclusive interview with Military Spouse® below – Entrepreneurial Zen: How to Keep Your Business Humming While Nurturing Your Mind and Body or listen on Spotify or Apple!

Connect with Becky | @bravecrate |

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