It’s hard to get on any social media these days without seeing someone supporting the Beachbody program and how much they love their Shakeology meal replacement shakes. I spoke to Brianna Mattingly, a Beachbody coach to get her take on what the program is and why it works so well for all fitness levels and all body types.
Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix is so popular and works so well because it’s quick and simple. Everything is laid out for you in 6 30-minute work outs and your food is divided out in color coded containers. If the food fits in one of the color coded containers, you can eat it however you see fit throughout the day so there is no more weighing food and no more calorie counting. Adding Shakeology into the mix with its protein-rich nutrient-dense formula helps you feel full and reduces the tendency to “cheat” throughout the day by curbing your junk food cravings. Plus, you’ll be feeding your body the nutrients it needs, especially after your workouts, so it feels more satisfied. Is the Fix going to “fix” you in 21 days? Well, no. You can’t expect to lose every pound you want to shed in less than a month, but what it does, especially with the portion control containers, is teach you and your body how much you should be eating and WHAT you should be eating. Having a supportive Beachbody Coach is KEY to getting you through those days where you’re just not feeling it or you really want to go out and devour all the food. We’re here to keep you from falling off the ledge and even more importantly, letting you know that weight loss and learning to live a healthier lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight and it won’t be a perfect journey. Most of us have been standing exactly where you are, lost and confused and frustrated, and we want to hold your hand and guide you out. It’s what we live for.