Malmstrom AFB SOY 2016 | Alexandra Fuller

Name: Alexandra Fuller

Base: Malstrom AFB

A little about me:  Hi! I’m Alexandra. I grew up in south Georgia. I’ve been married to Michael (USAF) for eight years. Together, we have an amazing six year old son, Cason and we are currently in the process of fostering to adopt. We made the decision to homeschool Cason and have loved every minute of it. We, as a family, have been through 3 deployments. I am a nurse, though I currently only practice while on mission trips Africa. I go to Uganda for several weeks each year to host medical clinics in areas that do not have access to even the most basic healthcare. I am a Key Spouse for my husband’s unit and have been active in the Key Spouse program for over seven years. I truly believe in the program and learned first hand, as a new spouse, how much it means to have someone help you acquire resources that are available.

My mission as Base SOY: I would like to create a greater understanding throughout the military community of the resources available to assist with reintegration after deployments and reintegration into the civilian world. There are brief classes that skim over topics, but our community is in need of a long-term solution. Our families need help navigating post deployment changes and reentrance into the civilian world. I would like to take the negative stigma of seeking help as an individual or a family unit after a deployment or separation from the military and diminish it with a plethora of resources that allow the families to grow, thrive and successfully conquer their issues.

If you would like to connect with Alexandra, you can email her here: