5. Sexy everything.

Sexy fireman, sexy nurse, sexy pizza, sexy toaster oven, you name it, there’s likely a sexy costume for it. Halloween is the one night of a year you can dress up as whoever you want, and wear as much or as little as you want and no one can judge you.
6. Spooky Decorations.

Do you have a love for witches, vampires, or goblins or a desire to cover your house in spiderwebs and fog machines? Well, this is the one night of the year you can decorate your house as spookily as you want and run a sound track of werewolf cries and bloodcurdling screams all night long. I mean you could technically do it the other 364 days of the year, but you may not get invited to any more block parties or neighborhood barbecues.
7. It’s a holiday that is basically about dressing up as someone else, drinking spooky cocktails, and eating candy. What’s not to like?

Enough said.
8. Candy Corn.

You have a complicated relationship with it and may have broken up with it after overindulging more than once but you just can’t help going back for more.
9. Hocus Pocus.

Because, classic!
10. Pumpkin Season has arrrrived.

And no, I’m not just talking about carving pumpkins. I’m talking about pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie. One day you wake up in October and realize pumpkin threw up all over the grocery store and you like it. #basic
11. Haunted Houses.

The concept of paying money for someone else to scare the heck out of you or give you nightmares is admittedly a little strange, but it sure is fun. Take my money haunted houses.
12. There’s always something to do.

Haunted mazes, Halloween horror nights at theme parks, Halloween parties, it’s like October is just one endless month of fun options.
13. It’s ok to be alone.

Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and so many other holidays seem to bombard you with images of sharing heartwarming moments with your sweetheart, which can be heartbreaking when your spouse is on a deployment. But Halloween is a holiday where it’s ok to be alone if your spouse has to miss this one.
Bonus, you get to watch your favorite Halloween movies on repeat and don’t have to share any of the candy.