2. Spouse Pride

The truth is I love this life. I also love everyone in it and I couldn’t imagine my life any way else. What I didn’t realize in the beginning when I met my husband was how much I love change. By the time I was 30 years old I had already moved 27 times, I just did it with more than 90 days notice from someone else. The military life came surprisingly natural to me and so did branching off on my own and not working for an employer anymore while using all the skills I had learned over my career to implement them into my own company. Yes, it takes budgeting, I coupon, I consult on the side but we have a more comfortable way of life now than when he swooped me up unexpectedly. Our quality of life is much better, we are happier, we are driven and we get to focus on goals we would not have had the chance to in DC.
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