5 Words To Live By for a Better Year in 2021

For many, the year of 2020 felt like driving around a small bumper car at a fair. Just when you felt like you were about to muster up some momentum and go somewhere, you would be bashed from the left and the right. When you were finally able to break free from the wreck, you were hit from behind and thrown head first into a wall. So how can we possibly move through 2021 with an optimistic outlook? Here are 5 ways to break free and drive straight toward an optimistic 2021.


Do you have a to-do list that seems never-ending? How about a set of goals that feels ambiguous and nearly impossible to reach? It is often hard to even decipher those things which are priorities in our lives when everything around us feels demanding of our attention and thoughts. One way to assure that this year is fulfilling is to simplify your priorities. Once you are able to establish those things that are most worthy of your thoughts and efforts, you can focus on giving your very all to them. When your heart and mind feel organized, you will see the same reflection in your everyday life.


Are you tired of the same dinner recipes, route to work, pass-times, and monotonous routines? Without a doubt, waking up an hour early to see the sunrise, venturing out to see the stars at night, switching Netflix for a book, trying a new dinner dish, or taking a detour for a scenic walk are certain to refresh your day. We so easily can miss out on the possibilities each day has to offer. If we can chase the sun each day, we will surely be able to find its warmth.


The world today is absolutely bombarded with noise. It feels almost impossible to escape. Our minds can feel as though they are on a constant roller-coaster, attempting to handle all of the noise coming at us whether it be from music and movies to opinions and the social world. It could be argued that the thing that we need most right now is less. More quiet stillness and more restful peace may actually be the perfect thing. Instead of the often tempting search for more, may we try searching for less.


It is more than ironic that satisfaction is rarely found by quenching the thirsts we have for ourselves, but it is more often found when we focus on filling the needs of others. 2020 had many scrambling for too many things to even count. It felt as though the world was telling us we needed all of these certain elements to feel secure. What many have found is the comfort of simply looking toward our neighbors and those around us. The act of giving our time, our thoughts, and our love toward others has given hope in the toughest of times. If we are all to change our focus from inward to outward, we will be able to find the surprising hope in each day.


It is shocking and hard to wrap one’s head around the fact that what often is the source to our unhappiness and pessimistic outlook is actually our own ability to forgive. The lack of forgiveness of not only others, but also of ourselves is often stealing away our joy without even realizing it. Day after day we may mistakingly think we are not enough or others are not enough for us. There is no better time than right now to let go of the feelings of burden and insufficiency. If we are able to take 2021 as a giant opportunity to forgive ourselves and others, we are sure to find that having an optimistic year ahead may just be possible.

Marybeth Chelanga:
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