As a little girl, my daydreams were filled with hobbits and wizards – and tales of adventure. And I consistently searched for hidden portals that would lead me to fantasy worlds.
That sense of adventure led me to the military. Where once upon a time, a young lieutenant named J.R.R. Tolkien also dreamed of fantasy worlds and epic adventures.
We may never truly be prepared for where the roads may take us, or who we will meet in this crazy military life as we PCS to new locations. But one thing is for certain – just like Tolkien wrote about, it will be an epic adventure.
“It’s a dangerous thing stepping outside your door, you’ll never know where you’ll be swept off to.”
“Alright then – keep your secrets.”

That point where you know an assignment is coming…but have no idea when you will actually be notified.
“A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.”

I am fairly certain that this is the official mantra of military personnel offices as they cut PCS orders. The orders are never late, nor early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.
“It’s mine. My own. My precious.”

Seeing all of your worldly belongings packed in a metric ton of cardboard can strike fear and a fierce sense of protectiveness in even the stoutest of hearts.
“What about second breakfast?”

The lovely side effect of jet lag and changing time zones – where your body still hasn’t adjusted yet.
“You shall not pass!”

That moment of panic when you have to battle the DMV, or visitor’s center, in a new state, or country.