“I have no memory of this place.”

Building 2122 or 2144? Was that a left at the Pizza Hut, or a right? It can be hard getting your bearings on a new military base!
“No, thank you! We don’t want any more visitors, well-wishers or distant relations!”

Sometimes when you reach a new duty location, you just need to hide for a few days, and come out when you’re good and ready.
“You have my bow.” “And my axe.” “If by my life, or my death, I can protect you – I will.”

It may take some time to make new friends, and but when you finally do – your new tribe will be a wonderful mix of people – that would even make a dwarf, an elf or a king proud.
“I don’t suppose we’ll ever see them again.” “We may yet…we may.”

In the military, we all know that goodbyes are never truly goodbyes.
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