We’re All in the Race Together
For all the work that other people do in their daily lives, there is a misnomer: that they have it all figured out. But here is the funny thing. They don’t. Now, they may have their guard up and not admit to the world that they are just like us. But they don’t. Social media has trained us all to put our favorite on the little screen to show the world.
I know most of the time I would much rather show my kids being perfect or a drink in my hand. Or as a businesswoman, I would rather have all deadlines met and time to spare to gloat about it. But this isn’t the truth. We can’t be everything to everyone. We can’t say yes to everyone and still have our sanity.
Most of us have the odds stacked up against us, too much on our plate. It doesn’t matter if you have the flexibility to travel, volunteer for those in need or you are by yourself isolated; we all have our own burden. But remember, we are the majority. We all are running a race toward our own goals and juggling priorities. The great thing is, over time that burden will shift and lift. Our priorities will change. And we will have the ability to have a cup of coffee with a new friend, or have your spouse back to help with the laundry (thank you my dear husband).
We may not do extraordinary things…but we lead extraordinary lives every single day.
We need to be honest with what we are, and what is around us. Celebrate YOUR little victories. Are your kids fed, have you arrived at work today…are you dressed? If the answer is “yes” to one of these, then you are doing great! Now, I’m not saying to give yourself a trophy for every task you have completed (but if you want to send me one, I’ll take a shiny tiara), but acknowledge where you are and what stage you are in, and accept this. Provide yourself a little grace.