A Path to Resilience: How I Found Purpose Through Trauma-Informed Yoga


Eight years ago, my husband came home with news that flipped our world upside down. He decided to return to active duty as a Naval Chaplain. At that time, I was serving as a full-time pastor in the United Methodist Church in Florida. Suddenly, I had to figure out how to reinvent myself vocationally.

Let me tell you, I was more than a little discouraged. After pouring years into finishing a Master’s of Divinity and the ordination process, I was at a loss. While processing a sea of emotions on my yoga mat with a pile of Kleenex around me, a vision for the Pointe of Grace Project hit me.

I wanted to use my passion and gifts to create healing space and life giving community, and take it with me wherever I went. I imagined offering retreats and online yoga classes and that would foster meaningful connections.

Then, the game-changer: I discovered a 500-hour RYT Trauma-Informed (TI) Yoga Teacher Training course that started right after we arrived at our first duty station. Throughout my twenties, I had worked to heal from complex childhood trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. When I saw this certification, I was inspired to empower others find their own path to recovery.

By the end of that course, a vision for the Pointe of Grace Yoga Institute came into focus – to create and offer courses that support personal well-being and provide vocational opportunities for TI Yoga worldwide. In 2021, we launched our first 150-hour TI Yoga Teacher Training Course through the Yoga Alliance.

Today, we host a variety of courses from our 200 HR RYT for new teachers, to our 300 HR Advanced training, to our 500 HR RYT accelerated journey that starts from zero and ends with an advanced teaching certification. More exciting, our programs are internationally accredited through the Yoga Alliance and MyCAA approved, so we can offer these certifications to eligible military spouses for free!

It has been exhilarating to see years of dreaming and planning come to life. After experiencing the power of Yoga and the transformational journey of Teacher Training firsthand, I am proud to offer the same for people who need it just as much as I did.

The Pointe of Grace Yoga Institute is more than a place to learn yoga—it’s a community where you can heal, grow, and find your purpose. Whether you’re looking to enhance your personal well-being or explore a new vocational path, our TI Yoga Teacher Training courses are designed to support you every step of the way.

Curious to learn more? Visit our website here and discover how you can start your own transformational journey with us.

Military Spouse Team:
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