The Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year Award just wrapped up with the 2023 Town Hall gathering in Washington D.C. With nearly 200 award recipients in attendance, this year’s event featured a robust program with tons of opportunities for connection and relationship building. With a focus in three areas, the event’s theme centered around learning, leadership, and advocacy.
For a solid week, military spouses experienced a plethora of valuable keynotes, relevant workshops, and auxiliary events. With keynote speakers like Patty Barron, Sherry Eifler, and Corie Weathers, the event boasted no small number of subject matter experts with valuable insight into military life and advocacy.

Starting on Monday, May 8th, participants were invited to a special panel with Moni Jefferson and the Association of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs. There, five industry-leading panelists shared wisdom, best practices, and encouragement. Later in the afternoon, Yvonne Combs hosted a mobile Operation Deploy Your Dress event and many of those in attendance grabbed a new gown for the award luncheon later in the week. Bree Carroll filmed for Military Marriage Day (save the date for August 14th) and, later in the evening, fifty women gathered together with MilSpo Co. for their Refresh event.
Tuesday, participants traveled to Quantico for an obstacle course team building opportunity while Laura Early opened the day’s program with an alternative workshop on Collaborative Leadership. Fostering healthy organizational culture and creativity, Laura’s practical tips and tricks on leadership development and growth provided participants with tangible tools to sharpen their leadership skills and partner well. In addition, the Second Service Foundation hosted a preliminary pitching opportunity for the military spouse nonprofits and businesses interested in competing for grants and legal services. Lastly, Caliber Home Loans sponsored the Welcome Reception where comedian and overall Air Force MSOY, Ashley Gutermuth, opened up for the crowd.
Lori Simmons, Vice President and Chief Growth Officer of Armed Forces Insurance, and AFI Advisor, Mrs. Suzie Schwartz, spent countless hours and much intentionality in preparing this year’s function. Clearly evident in their hospitality and in the heart-warming atmosphere around them, these two-along with the teams at AFI and Wise Advise + Assist, have labored long to create a space for military community members to come together, learn from each other, grow in grace, and advocate well.

Before the close of the day on Wednesday, a pinning ceremony welcomed in the new class of SOYS and the celebration was amazing. Seeing so many new faces and people who are passionate about multitudes of military causes was certainly a sight to see. Several participants joined United Through Reading’s Tribute to Military Families later in the city and some continued celebrating at a Late Night After Hours event.
Before we knew it, it was time for the big reveal of the overall winner and the annual awards luncheon where Evie King, the AFI Military Spouse of the Year, was announced. The ceremony also included the announcement of the Second Service Foundation pitch competition winner. Monica Bassett, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Stronghold Community Food Pantry, was awarded the first prize of a $2,000 early-stage capital grant, $25,000 of in-kind legal services from our partners Holland & Knight, and a $5,000 PR package from the Second Service Foundation.
Overall, the event was a wonderful success and the impact from the 2023 Town Hall will definitely ripple throughout the military community space. With fierce advocates, passionate leaders, and steadfast volunteers, the gathering at AFI’s MSOY Town Hall continues to be a beacon of hope for those who serve and are recognized.
See all the winners inside the Spring issue of Military Spouse Magazine!