The Top 5 Best and Worst Duty Stations

Ask anyone who has PCS’d a couple of times, and they will give you their favorite and least favorite duty stations where they’ve been stationed. It could be because of how close it was to family, the location around the installation or based on what the work hours were for the service member. Scouring the earth, here are the duty stations that have been deemed the best and worst.


5. Fort Polk/Fort Irwin

Known as the Joint Readiness Training Center and the National Training Center (respectively) both are locations that you will often find low on the list for servicemembers for various reasons. Fort Polk resides in Louisiana where the hot summers and mosquito problems can make the area unpleasant. Fort Irwin is located in the desert of California near the Death Valley National Park and the Mojave National Preserve. The only saving grace is that Las Vegas is less than 3 hours away.

4. Twentynine Palms

Located on the other side of the Mojave National Preserve in California sits this Marine Corps base which is home of the Air Ground Combat Center. Again, the desert climate and dry heat make the location undesirable, and despite the name, there are no palm trees. Besides Las Vegas, residents have Los Angeles as a reasonable drive away too.

3. Fort Lewis

Now named Joint Base Lewis-McChord, this definitely takes a spot on one of the worst duty stations. Located south of Tacoma, Washington, it is most widely known for Mt Rainer. However, many despise the climate as usually being wet, cold, and gloomy. Some will even complain about the optempo of the installation that limits family time. So, if you are into warm weather, sunshine, and free time, there is nothing here for you.

2. Minot AFB

A cool thing about Minot – its less than 55 miles to the Canadian border. A not cool thing about Minot – it seems to have an endless winter being so far north in North Dakota. While many enjoy the mission of the installation (bombers and missiles), many dislike the location being in such a remote area without a bigger city nearby.

1. Remote Assignments

Think those odd ball assignments like being at a National Guard post (hey Camp Shelby), recruiting, or those one-off assignment locations. While they may seem cool and different, and might make for good family time, it can be a struggle if you are not ready to live the civilian life. Most of these assignments do not yield your normal military installation and community, and everything is on the economy.


5. Hampton Roads

Home of multiple installations for various service branches (Ft. Eustis, Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, Langley AFB, Norfolk, Little Creek, Dam Neck, Fort Story), the Hampton roads is one of the favorite locations for service members. You are a short drive away from a sunny beach, Washington DC, or multiple historic locations such as Colonial Williamsburg to explore. While optempo might be high with sea duty and European rotations, with all the various installations located there you could maneuver into a local PCS to extend your time.

4. San Diego/Camp Pendleton

Similar to Hampton Roads, the San Diego area has several installations near by which makes the possibility for a local PCS to extend your time there. Many love the beach and surf life, and the location puts you near several things to visit and see. Only downside mentioned has been the higher cost of living and the housing market.

3. Hawaii

Another location that has many beaches to choose from and several good hiking spots too! Many will claim it is a paradise and a great place to live for a few years. You will be able to take your time exploring and learn all the good local spots, too! Despite the higher cost of living on island, many will say it is their favorite place to live.

2. Japan

Similar to other locations mentioned you are surrounded by water, and there is lots to see and do! You will quickly find yourself immersed into local culture and cuisine. Many stationed here have used the opportunity to find cheap flights to explore Australia, Korea, Thailand, and other Asian locations. Depending on your branch, you may see lots of sea duty, but for families who have ben stationed there, many wish to go back.

1. Florida

Pick any location in Florida and you will find that service members love it. The optempo is not too bad, family time can be enjoyed, a beach is a short drive away, and there is always Disney! If you are on the east coast, you might have the opportunity to even see a space launch. The only downside mentioned has been the possibility of hurricanes.

Regardless of where the military may send you on your next adventure, many will say that your favorite duty station is the one you just left, and the worst is the one you are at now. Wherever you may find yourself on this planet, take time to enjoy the local culture, scenery, and to enjoy the adventures that you will have.

Megan Harless:
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