Bouncing Back After a Major Setback

Resiliency is ‘one’s ability to adapt well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.’ Deployments, pandemics, PCS, and countless other life stressors can have long-lasting effects on our lives. Everyone has experienced situations that affected them in some way. There isn’t a better time than the present to learn how to bounce back after a significant setback. Here are some milspouse-worthy tips on how to ensure you have a smooth recovery after life hands you a bag of lemons. 

Change Your Mindset

When confronted with a problem, how do you address it? Do you spend a lot of time stressing and worrying about every aspect and how you can fix it? People often waste time focusing on things that are outside of their control. There’s no need to spinning your wheels on anything that you cannot control. That includes other people and their actions or inaction about the situation. Instead, focus on what you can control. Taking a ‘big picture’ approach can be overwhelming for some. The problem ‘in your head’ is often much smaller in real life.

Meaningful and Healthy Relationships

Cultivate those relationships that mean the most to you. If you have people in your life who you trust and can talk to, reach out to them for support. Be careful not to get too upset if a friend or family member is unable to provide you with the help you want. Sometimes people are dealing with their situations and don’t have the capacity to be present for you. Take that into consideration, but also make sure you don’t put too much energy into anything that will bring you additional stress. 

Holistic Approach to Wellness

Focus on your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial health. Make small changes to ensure you live a balanced life and are in the best position possible to recover from your situation. There will be days when you feel like doing absolutely nothing, and that’s okay. Make an honest effort to not fall into a routine of just existing. At times, you may lack motivation or have a decreased mood. If you find yourself struggling in any particular area, reach out to a professional for help. Your primary care provider, therapist, religious leader/clergy, or even a financial advisor may be able to help you sort things out. 

Your Time

Let’s face it, we all have only 24 hours in a day, BUT we have different access and resources to make the most of our time. Use available resources in a way that they will have the most substantial impact. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing your journey to the next person’s. Have gazelle intensity when focusing on achieving your goals. 

We all go through peaks and valleys in our lifetime. It’s our experiences that shape us and give our life meaning. Resiliency doesn’t make you immune to distress, it merely means you can bounce back. Don’t know where to begin? Do a quick inventory of your life. Prioritize the things and relationships that are most important to you. It is advisable to eliminate any unnecessary stress. Remember to put yourself first by practicing self-care. It’s not selfish; it’s necessary! Take things slowly by completing small tasks daily. Each day that you work towards your goal is one less thing on your plate. As you start to come out on the other side of your situation, you will begin to appreciate the lessons learned and feel proud of your accomplishments. 

LaQuista Erinna: Dr. LaQuista Erinna is licensed therapist, speaker, and author. As an Army Veteran and former military spouse, she is passionate about eliminating mental health stigma in military communities. She enjoys educating and inspiring others about mental health & wellness, resiliency, and women’s empowerment. To connect with Dr. LaQuista, visit or @laquistaerinna on social media.
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