Can the Military Inspect My Home?

This week we published an article involving the subject of Health and Welfare Inspections for housing both on and off of military installations. It garnered a huge response from the military spouse community. It also made us cognizant of the many different interpretations of the laws and regulations surrounding this subject and how they relate to the Fourth Amendment. This awareness prompted us to temporarily pull the article from our website. We are searching for a more robust and detailed answer to the question, “Does the military have the right to inspect my home if it is located on a military installation?”. In the meantime, we advise on post residents , who have concerns or questions to please contact a civilian attorney, base legal, family readiness personnel, or to have their service member ask their command directly. Thank you for your patience.

Erin Whitehead: Erin Whitehead is the 2010 Marine Corps Spouse of the Year. An author, speaker and vocalist she is the Creator of and is also the Director of Marketing at PCSgrades.
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