Remember that you have not failed.
Your marriage may have ended, but it need not be considered a failure; you learned from it, you grew wiser from it, and you have attained a new level of perspective to take into the rest of your life.
You are bigger than your divorce.
You are stronger than your divorce.
You needn’t carry it like a scarlet letter around your neck, it needn’t weigh down your shoulders and follow in your shadow.
You are intact. You are whole. You are complete. Your own existence is enough.
Remember that your friends and family are proud of you.
We are so proud. I have laughed with you, cried with you, talked you out of negativity and praised your good days.
Just like the brotherhood of Marines, soldiers and sailors, the sisterhood of spouses is stronger than we realize. Wherever the world takes you next, the gossamer thread of our friendship will remain.
Remember this, every day.
Wake up and keep going.
Keep going, keep going, keep going.
Keep going in the knowledge that happy endings exist without a prince.
Keep going because you are loved.
Keep going because you, however many times you have felt broken, are whole.