The Cure: Your Mental Health Needs a Boost After a Long Year of Lockdowns

Let’s face the cold, hard truth; many of us were stagnant during this past year’s barrage of lockdowns! We became accustomed to staying home, following a mundane schedule, binge watching Netflix, and resolving ourselves to this new lifestyle.

The news pounded our eyes and brains with the horrendous woes of COVID as the CDC gave their never-ending list of recommendations to follow, all while attempting to homeschool our children. So, yes, our brains were frying and probably still feel scrambled from this mental overload!

What do we need to give our lives a mental boost? Want an easier way to help us pull ourselves out of 2020’s rut of doom? The simple, but probably not the most obvious answer, is to get outside!

There are many reasons to enjoy Mother Earth! Not only does it get you outside of your home, going out and exploring will help boost your mental well-being.

Going on a daily walk will help boost your mental health by helping to reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and lower stress. It has been noted that physically active people have up to a 30% reduced risk of becoming depressed.

Being outside also allows you to soak up that natural vitamin D. According to , doctors agree that many people suffer from vitamin D deficiencies. This is mainly due to how work has shifted from outside to offices over the years, but the pandemic has caused a rise in lower vitamin D intake.

Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked in studies to mental illness, especially in adolescents. Getting you and your children outside to explore in the sun will help boost everyone’s mental status!

The great outdoors not only helps with vitamin D intake, but it helps jumpstart your self-esteem! You don’t have to run a marathon, do a round of butt-busting CrossFit, or bake your skin under the sun, you just need a few minutes under its rays to help get your self-esteem up and running!

Better sleep, reduced anxiety, lowered stress, and greater focus are just a few reasons to get outside, explore, and help strengthen you and your family’s mental health. 

There are many trails, farmers’ markets, lakes, and parks we can explore this summer. So, pack your bags, get the kids ready, throw the lead on the dog, and get to boosting your family’s mental health!  

Joshua Napper:
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