COVID19 Pandemic: First Time Mom Edition

Well, if you are reading this you may be like me and a first time mom. Let me start with a huge CONGRATULATIONS.

Prior to everything with COVID19, my husband’s biggest concern with our first pregnancy was that he may be deployed or sent to the field and wouldn’t be able to be an active part of the pregnancy. Then COVID happened.

We are 100% having a COVID baby. We definitely did not stay 6 feet apart, and I am now 19 weeks along with our first little boy. COVID has made this whole pregnancy more unpredictable than us seeing the plus sign on the pregnancy test!

We are hoping to still enjoy a relatively normal pregnancy, but with COVID health restrictions some special moments have been altered. All appointments up to now have had to be attended alone, and the hospital is still only allowing one partner to be there during labor. Being based in California, my OBGYN is being very cautious with my pregnancy and would probably love if I never left my home, even to run to the store. Masks are a must, and normal pregnancy precautions and health guidelines are to be followed. Baby showers are up in the air with the recent update in cases and virtual baby showers look as though they will not be going away anytime soon.

COVID has also given my husband and I some added benefits. We have been together close to 7 years now and this year during shelter at home has been the most time we have ever spent together. This time together has been the happiest and has shown us again why we fell in love with each other the first time. Our pregnancy has been a nice bonus to our little family.

I’d be lying if I said this pandemic and lovely Central California heat doesn’t make me miss a large glass of ice cold Chardonnay and boy do I miss a cold turkey sandwich from Jersey Mike’s, but I know all of these small sacrifices will be worth it when I see my little boy’s face.

In my countless hours of Youtube videos and random searches of must-haves or freebies to grab while a lot of the country is still at home. The top freebies are listed below.

  • Amazon Welcome Box – Once you create a baby registry, you will automatically be sent a Welcome Box after you spend $10. I purchased “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel and Morning Ease Lemon Ginger Lozenges.
  • BuyBuyBaby – Simply create a baby registry online. You will have to go into a store to collect the welcome bag. You can also get a tour of the store and the staff will help you decipher through the many aisles and multiple brands for the same product.
  • Target Box – Create a baby registry online and you will have to walk into a store to the Customer Service desk. Make sure you have your barcode from your registry up and they will give you a great welcome bag.
  • Walmart Box – On the website you will need to set up a registry online. Once you create a registry you will need to grab the URL and paste it on the baby registry welcome box page. Once you add your registry URL and your shipping information you will get shipped your welcome box with a 4 to 6 week delay.
  • Similac – On you can sign up for their program and they will send you a sample box of formula.

While COVID has created an odd experience of my first pregnancy, I would not want it any other way. I hope every first time mom going through their pregnancy during this pandemic is also checking in on their mental health and staying active in a time when we can feel so restrained.

Stay safe and healthy out there.

Gabby Cantu:
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